State of confusion
...In other words, it's business as usual in the Julietverse. ;) No, there's really an actual source for my confusion this time -- I'm coming at you live and interactive from my brand spankin' new
Dell computer, which doesn't make loud humming noises when it's on and which has a keyboard that doesn't make soothingly loud clacking noises when I type, damn it. In fact, the whole thing's pretty spiffy except for the fact that I just went from using Windows 98 (I didn't believe anyone could still be using that, right?) straight to using Windows XP, and it's a little bit disorienting. Didn't have much transitional experience with the versions of Windows that came between the two. Not to mention the fact that all of my stuff -- files, Internet favorites, pictures, mp3s, etc. etc. -- are still on my other computer. So I'm just feeling a little out of my element at the moment.
Think I've got all the links in the "Links" toolbar in Internet Explorer set in place now so other than all of my Favorites and the fact that I'm missing the file I use as my start page, my Internet's ready. I THINK my e-mail's been sorted out now...more or less (probably less) -- I've been receiving messages that I'm 90% sure I deleted ages ago. Yeah, I receive those messages, try to change some more settings, and get those same messages
again, so then I had 3 of each message. I couldn't tell you how many times I've pressed delete today.
Another problem: this screen looks best in 1028xwhatever resolution, which is what most of you guys probably use. Problem is, though, that on my old computer, I used 800x600, which means that all of my wallpaper images are now the wrong size. Here's hoping that they'll still look okay if I enlarge them..... =/
Gah, when I use computers that don't have all my crap saved onto them, it just feels so odd. Miss my junk. Don't want to save anything on this computer at the moment, though, until I have all my other stuff sorted out and transferred over here somehow. The only thing I'm planning to install (at some point) is
The Sims, which stopped working properly on my old computer for some reason or another. At any rate, I'll just start the game over from scratch, with new characters and whatnot. Will be fun. Once I have the time to play, that is.
Anyhoo, I have yet to do any work today because of computer setup/tweaking,
Lost, and the nap I just took, so I'm off to do that now.
I think I'll keep using my old computer for the time being, mostly, until all my stuff gets transferred to this one. I don't have a printer on here yet, either. More on this when everything feels more settled. Melikes the new computer, but the switch isn't complete just yet. :)